Photographing The Great Outdoors


Hello, I’m Katie

a female adventure photographer


From six months old I spent my childhood camping in the lakes. On a beautiful little campsite with one toilet and a fresh cold water sink next to the cow shed. I suppose this is where my love of wild camping came from. It is something that feels like it’s in my blood.

My Journey with image-making started when my grandma bought me my first proper camera. It was a Canon 7D and I knew then it was what I wanted to do. I felt my confidence develop, it became a way to express myself a tool to be able to show people how I saw the world. I went on to study a BTEC in Moving Image followed by a degree in Broadcasting at Ravensbourne.

After graduation, I worked at a kit house “Cruet” for 3 years. I was prepping kits and going on jobs as a camera assistant. I then made the leap to a freelance camera assistant, I loved being part of a project team, lugging kits around, travelling the world and helping to create beautiful meaningful content.

After many years of my friends telling me I should take photos for a living I finally took the plunge. Since that moment I have never looked back. I love doing what I do, it combines my love for the great outdoors, adventure and people. As soon as I put my backpack on I feel at home…and never feel like it is just a job it is always another exciting adventure.


It was only recently I admitted to my parents that aged six I used to sneak out of the tent on our summer camping trips in the middle of the night and go and sit by the tarn watching the stars and moonlit sky.

If they didn’t already think I was a strange human being they certainly do now!  This is something now as an adult I can never get enough of, I’m hooked on being outside, watching the moon rise over a mountain or setting over the sea. And every time I do I feel so incredibly lucky to see such beauty in nature.

The outdoors brings me to life…

The South West Coastal Path has been my longest walk so far. Six hundred and thirty miles of beautiful coastal scenery, walking and wild camping on my own. I’m certainly no stranger to getting dirt under my fingernails and washing in streams and the sea for weeks on end. 

I have become obsessed with long-distance walking and while I love the mountains, for me nothing beats a coastal path, being high up on the cliffs one moment and plunging into the salty, crisp water the next.  There is something about solo hiking that can’t be explained, but should definitely be experienced if only for a day.

I would love to hear about your project and collaborate with you on an exciting adventure or two


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